Mortimer Megazine is a quarterly zine that functions as a field guide to the lesser known facets of life in this realm. It explores the mysterious through the discerning eyes of artists and gives a glimpse into the strange and unusual. It's this collection of rotating artists, each with their own field of study and unique vision that is tasked with the illustration of each entry in the issue. It's our goal to guide the reader through the perilous realms equipped with knowledge, resourcefulness, and a new found ability to see into the wide, weird world.
Mortimer Megazine Contributors:
Craig van den Bosch
Masha Fikhman
Grace Witherell
Michael Koehler
Marty Gordon
Marc J Palm
Cameo Hunter
Colin Anderson
Felicia Chang
Brandon Lehmann
Nichole Rathburn
Michael Rives
Kalen Knowles
Art Editor / Print Designer: Michael Koehler